Video Transcript
Hi, I’m Joseph Falbo, President and Financial Advisor for Falbo Wealth Management. I’m here to share some tips on how to work effectively with your financial advisor to build a retirement plan.
Working with you to clarify a reasonable retirement lifestyle plan that meets your needs and then develop the financial strategies to help you get there. Helping you build an income strategy that will include your company pension, available IRAs, 401(k)s, and 403(b)s, social security, personal savings, and more.
Identifying potential tax issues that may affect you and ensuring that your income comes to you in the most effective way possible. Developing an ongoing savings and investment strategy to keep your money working throughout your retirement life. Creating an estate plan with you so that your assets can be passed on to your loved ones or the recipients you choose in an efficient manner.
Remember that your advisor is at times an educator, a coach, a mentor and a catalyst to help you do the right things to make your retirement as enjoyable as possible. Sign up today for a free PDF copy of my workbook, Your Second Life. This booklet, coauthored by Barry LaValley of the Retirement Lifestyle Center, will help you understand the benefits of planning ahead to build the life that you want.