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The Health Benefits of Strong Relationships
The Proven Correlation Between the Size of Your Social Network and your Longevity. A lot of research has been done on the health benefits of having strong relationships in your later years. Studies have shown a direct correlation between the size of your social...
Future Effects of Past Money Experiences
Your past money experiences can affect the way you deal with your financial decisions today, and into the future. People tend to deal with money on an emotional level and that can affect their ability to make good financial decisions. This is one of the reasons people...
Healthy Lifestyle And Your Money
When you think about a healthy lifestyle, you also want to consider the length of time that your money may have to last until you finally pass away. While that is a positive outcome of being healthy and a worthy goal, there is the opposite potential. Medical science...
The Importance Of Attitude In A Meaningful Retirement
One of my clients was not looking forward to her retirement at all. For the two years leading up to the day she would leave her job as a teacher, she fretted about what she would do and how she would feel when she didn’t have to teach anymore. “It’s funny, but I don’t...
Times Passes: Thirty Years On
"We do not have, never have had, and never will have an opinion about where the stock market, interest rates or business activity will be a year from now."-- Warren Buffett, the world's most admired, least imitated investor, in his annual letter to shareholders 30...
All Your Eggs In One Basket
Diversification explained: The two cornerstones of any investment strategy that, makes sense, are asset allocation and diversification. If you are not doing the correct diversification you are basically betting on some sector of the markets to do better than others....
Retirement Success Book
“Retirement Success: Hiring Your Functional Retirement Advisor” is my new book that shows you how to recognize a trustworthy, empathetic person who puts emphasis on plans, not financial other words, a fully Functional Retirement Advisor (FRA). Transcript...
The Whole Financial Process is Wrong
George Kinder, widely recognized as one of the chief educators and influencers in the financial planning profession and someone who I have trained extensively with, talks about why "the whole financial planning process is wrong." Click here to see why. The opinions...
The Secret To Living Past 100 Can Be Found In This Remote Village
Who knew that, with a few lifestyle adjustments, we could all live happily and healthily to our 100th birthday and beyond? Read about it here The opinions voiced in this article are for general information only. They are not intended to provide specific advice or...